
5 tips to boost the text of your popup

What is a good popup that effectively supports your conversion goals? It fits the style of your website in every way, it is properly timed, personalized, and customer-focused. Among other things, the pop-up text in the pop-up window plays a vital role in getting your visitors ’attention and retention. Let’s take a look at some basic writing rules!

1. Keep it brief!

Your visitors will not be able to watch a popup for hours - the popup will show up, they will have a glance at it, and then close it. So you only have a few seconds to grab their attention, which is why it’s important to channel your offer to them briefly and specifically.

The message should be concise, understandable, eye-catching, and - although it is a design question- it’s very important that you choose a font that is easy to read!

2. Only the truth!

It might be obvious, but let’s check this aspect too. In your headline and description, recommend only what you can really accomplish. If you ask your visitor to click on the free downloadable PDF, then after clicking, the person interested will still have to pay for it, you will lose the trust forever. Be clear about what you offer and keep it!

3. Impact the emotions!

Surely everyone could write a long list of why their particular product is great and perfect, but the popup is not for that, here the “less is more” principle applies to the amount of text. The goal is to influence the emotions of your prospective customer and client through the benefits of your product and service, with the right keywords. These include "now only", "exclusive", "unique", "limited", "free", "special", etc. These terms are used to highlight the unique benefits of your offer, ie what your customer gets through it.

It’s also useful to address your customer, either by quarreling or whining (it depends on which format you use on your website), as it also gives you a sense of personality.

4. Highlight the time factor!

If the text of your offer does not reflect that it is time-limited and appears to be available at any time, your visitors are more likely to delay your purchase. They will think that they have time to purchase. If you don’t indicate in the text that the offer is only available and exclusive for a limited time, the user won’t have to click on it urgently. This is where the FOMO (fear of missing out) tactics come in. You can create a sense of urgency either by specifying a specific deadline or by using a countdown timer, and you may want to use terms that communicate the time-sensitivity of the offer, such as “limited time”, “today only”, “now”, “immediately” and so on. Of course, also make sure that these terms are clearly visible and clear on your popup.

5. Have a unique CTA!

Make the call to action specific! For the CTA (call-to-action) button, avoid generalizations such as "Yes" or "Click here!"

* Write your text in a way that is in line with the offer, refer back to it.

* Be sure to be action-oriented. Just a few examples: "Apply now!", "Yes, I want to join!", "Download now!", "I'm asking for a discount!", "Check out the promotion!" etc.

* Make sure that the CTA button is visible and clear.

ConvKit's great popups help you reach your conversion goals easily! You can choose from our pre-made popups, which you can modify as you wish, but you can also reuse your old popups.